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Ludo Melita







Ludo Melita - profile avatar
Ludo Melita

Raw, authentic, elegant and arousing. No longer do you need to search the internet high and low for quality and classy nude and erotic content. 

I myself became tired of the cheap, heavily commercialised quality of adult media. I've recently changed the direction of my work to focus on producing and posting deeply erotic lewds, nudes and more, to titillate and inspire. 

I explore female sensuality and eroticism primarily through black and white photography, focusing on the power of curves, shapes and textures. 

I believe arousal is not purely ignited through crude displays, but also through the excitement of what can be hidden and implied....that said, my work can get graphic.

Whether you're  a girl, guy, gay or they, I delight in knowing you indulge in my content. I love and support you, always. 

So, hey, I'm Ludo. What's your name? 

It's been a very painful and swollen last couple of weeks, but after months of cancellations I was able to have my clitoral hood reduction and labiaplasty...finally. Though I'm still noticibly swollen being only 3 weeks out, especially around the clitoral hood, you can tell the results are simply beautiful, and it will only get better in time. In another 3/4 weeks, I'll be able to play with my dildos and vibrators again, and let me tell you, I can't wait! Not being able to play with myself is agonising, but good things come to those who wait. 😌

I've decided that once I'm able to post more regularly again, all new content will be delivered under a new model. However, all my older pre-surgery photos and videos will be made available to my subscribers. 

Look, you can even still see some of the stitches! They look like fine blonde hairs. 

I'm scheduled for my surgery 2 days from now! I won't be able to post pictures of my stitches etc, but hopefully when the swelling subsides and everything begins healing up nicely I can update you all with pictures. I'm thinking that will be 2 weeks from the initial surgery, so late April. 🖤

Ludo Melita - user avatar

Ludo Melita

29 مارس 2021

Update 😙

I've had so much homework, it's absolutely criminal. I had to delay my surgery yet again but if all goes to plan it should happen in a week from now. I'll be doing my best to post, but obviously my work load has been massive so I'll try and mass most in the next few hours to make up for this quiet week. 😌 Please send me well wishes. I'd be lying if I said that I haven't been stressed and scared and tired and in need of lovin' 

إخلاء المسؤولية: أي مراجع وأسماء وشعارات وعلامات تجارية ، Snapchat و Instagram ، وأي علامات تجارية أو صور أخرى مميزة أو مشار إليها في 

موقع الويب هو ملك لأصحاب العلامات التجارية الخاصة بهم. لا ينتمي أصحاب العلامات التجارية هؤلاء إلى

Snapchat لا يرعى أو يؤيد

لا ترعى أو تؤيد

نحن لسنا سنابشات ولا انستغرام.

.جميع الأشخاص الذين تم تصويرهم هنا يبلغون 18 عامًا على الأقل في وقت التصوير

18 U.S.C 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement.

2016 - 2024 ©

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إخلاء المسؤولية: أي مراجع وأسماء وشعارات وعلامات تجارية ، Snapchat و Instagram ، وأي علامات تجارية أو صور أخرى مميزة أو مشار إليها في 

موقع الويب هو ملك لأصحاب العلامات التجارية الخاصة بهم. لا ينتمي أصحاب العلامات التجارية هؤلاء إلى

Snapchat لا يرعى أو يؤيد

لا ترعى أو تؤيد

نحن لسنا سنابشات ولا انستغرام.

.جميع الأشخاص الذين تم تصويرهم هنا يبلغون 18 عامًا على الأقل في وقت التصوير

18 U.S.C 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement.

2016 - 2024 ©

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